Kingdom's Bloodline

Chapter 658 Self-righteous brother

"Where are you taking me--"

"Quiet, keep your eyes on the road, don’t lose if you fall."

Tels had to follow Hille all the way up the stone ladder to the third floor of the Temple of Sunset.

For the eldest lady of Kevin Deere who appeared abruptly last night, Thales was in a complicated mood, and he didn\'t even know what attitude to treat her with.

There is no doubt that Cecilia Kevin Deere is by no means in the portrait, or the innocent, innocent, pure and innocent in Jayne\'s mouth—at least her interest and skills in creating atmosphere, diverting attention, and acting as scary ghosts are all very human. Being able to achieve it is a must (Thyls is indignant at this).

Secondly, as Jane’s sister, the secret identity she revealed is really shocking and unbelievable.

But thinking about the abilities of the Kingdom’s Secret Science and the way King Kessel had a chance to win, the fact that the noble daughter of the Iris family was rebelled by the Fuxing Palace seemed not so unacceptable.

What\'s more, Thales remembered his official reason for coming to the Emerald City, and found that the cause of all this was the girl.

But here is the problem.

Tyles settled down and looked at the girl who was dragging him forward.

That night, King Kessel, who visited Starlake Castle, once told him that the “covenant” between their father and son, which seemed to be separated and united, was destined to be a top secret that could not be an outsider, and Kingdom Secrets was also among them.

But last night, this aristocratic spy lady who was instigated by King Kessel claimed to be from the Kingdom’s Secret Department and knew very well about Thales’ purpose in coming to the Emerald City.

This has to make Thales suspicious:

What does she know?

What did King Kessel tell her?

How much does she know about her "covenant" with King Kessel?

How much can I trust her?

Does this endanger yourself?

And there is one more thing—Thyls couldn’t help feeling sinking when he thought of this:

Tyles, how do you know that King Kessel did not conceal, deceive, or mislead you with regard to the Emerald City matter, or even the “covenant” matter?

Such as...the existence of Hille Kevin Deere?

In other words, how much else did he hide?

To the king, to what extent did the so-called “unable to be a foreigner” top-secret?

At that moment, the voice in my heart was full of vigilance, quietly reminding:

Perhaps, maybe it was just your father\'s lie to make you feel at ease and obedient.

And he never cared.

Once it is profitable, once the situation requires it, once there is a better reason, the Iron Fist King will sell you without hesitation, at any cost.

Just like his attitude towards you in the past.

Or the same in the future?

Thinking of this, Thales became more anxious.

Not long, they walked around a corridor and vaguely heard the voice of people outside the window.

"Ah, here we are!"

Hile came to a door at the end of the corridor and went to twist the doorknob.

"Hey, it\'s locked."

Xilai took a step back, snorted coldly, stretched out a thin hairpin from her hair, and leaned toward the door lock.

Amidst the rustling machine sound, Thales\' complexion changed slightly:

"What are u doing?"

"Pick the lock."

"Pick the lock in the temple? You are Kevin Deere, the lady of the duke\'s house!"

"Why, haven\'t you seen a nobleman picking a lock?" Sheila didn\'t look back, just focused on dealing with the door lock.

Thyls was taken aback, and then became uneasy:

"In fact, I have actually seen...this technique-can you do it?"

Hile waved his hand:

"Shut up, don\'t disturb me."

She pulled the starting clip, took a deep breath, and waved her palms around the door lock.

"Everything has to do with attention, with misdirection," Sheila muttered to herself, her expression focused, and she waved her palms faster and faster. "Yes, so I just need to direct the attention of the door locks, and take advantage of this. If you don’t pay attention to the lock, you can successfully open it..."

Wrong guide...

Not paying attention while locked...

Thyls looks weird:

"Uh, maybe the trick of magic is this... but the trick of picking locks, are you sure it\'s the same?"

Hile turned her head back, her eyes gloomy and unkind:

"Are you doubting me?"

Thyls thought of the girl’s methods, and quickly put a smile on his face:

"No! I just made something trivial..."

At this moment, the door lock opened with a snap.

Xilai\'s expression shaken, and quickly turned her head:

"Look! Don\'t pay attention while locked!"

Tyers looked at the slowly opening door, and then at the hairpin that was still in Sile’s hand, frowning:

"Are you sure you opened it?"

At this moment, an old man in a priest\'s robe showed his head from behind the door, cautiously:

"Who—Miss Hilley?"

The old priest behind the door breathed a sigh of relief:

"Hey, I thought it was some brave little **** who was... Uh, it\'s you again, Your Highness?"

Tyers looked at the Chadvi priest who had just met not long ago, and squeezed out a smile in embarrassment.

"It\'s you, Chadvi," Sile wasn\'t surprised, but had a stunned look, "I remember at the door of the confession room, didn\'t I tell you to go further?"

"Yes, yes, but..."

Chad looked behind him, then looked at Hille, the grievances in his eyes were extremely clear:

Is this not far enough?

Tales followed his gaze and looked back, only to realize that behind the door was the roof of the temple.

Hila opened the door and stepped forward, with a righteous expression on her face:

"Give the place out, go out, what should I do."

Chad\'s face changed:

"But miss, here are the few who can hide from class——"

"Go out now," Hille shrugged, "I don\'t know you and Count Thor\'s mother\'s affair."

Thales twitched the corners of his mouth, Chadvi’s expression changed drastically:

"I—you, you can’t do this..."

"Do you want me to tell which room in the new suburbs you affair every Wednesday?"

The next second, Chadvi jumped out flexibly and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Tyers then followed Hille to the rooftop, and was shocked:

The citizens squeezed into the temple square below, lined up and divided the areas. Some were listening to the sermons of several priests, and some were following the priests to pray and receive the sacrament.

"You have contributed a lot this year, for yourself, for your family, and for the Emerald City and the Goddess of Sunset." A priest closed his eyes and led everyone to pray.

"Repent sincerely, and get what you have achieved," a priest stood on a high place and preached loudly, "Sunset forgive your sins!"

But no matter which kind, you will never forget to bring your donation box.

"What is this?" Thales asked.

"Public Prayer Day."

Hile leaped indifferently and sat on the edge of the roof, with a pair of boots dangling in the air, making Thales frowned.

It seems that she has no fear of heights.

"When big people and rich people pray publicly in temples and altars, churches and mission halls, the general public-I mean the poor and ordinary people, pray publicly here."

"I see."

Hile snorted softly:

"The Emerald Celebration is a carnival festival in the city, but it is a pity that the Temple of Sunset believes that all carnivals-alcoholism, gluttony, games, drug abuse, enjoyment and even frequent sexual **** are depraved behaviors that violate the doctrine and are harmful to one\'s own body and even A manifestation of the soul\'s extreme irresponsibility."

After saying this, Hilley pushed her arm back, leaned her upper body back, and looked at Thales upside down:

"But here, in the Emerald City, customs and precepts have reached an ingenious and convenient balance."

Tyles subconsciously covered his eyes and turned his head to hide, but Hille did nothing:

"The temple presides over public prayers, and the church is responsible for preaching. They will judge what you did in the previous year—of course, most of the time depending on how much you donated—and then announce that your carnival during these seven days is The rewards you deserve after your hard work and diligence are justified, and of course, God bless you. So after you have eaten the sacrament, listened to the sermon, and leave the temple under the temple, you can be satisfied and unburdened, and go drinking and reveling happily. "

"So convenient?"

"In order to fit the actual situation, there is more convenient-first carnival for six days, and come over drunkly on the evening of the seventh day of the celebration, which is also effective. That is, the donation may have to be doubled, but it turns out that in the end The donation in one day is the most."

Just as Thales wondered if this girl should fall and fall, whether he could walk out of the Emerald City alive, and whether the Star Kingdom could avoid the gate of the civil war, he suddenly discovered that Sille’s weird action was not to be frightened again. Instead, he had to reach for something on the ground and lift it up.

"This is... a hookah?" Thales frowned and looked at the pipe that was lifted up.

"Yeah, good knowledge."

"No way, in the Temple of Sunset?"

"Chadvi is an old smoker, he has a full set of utensils," Sile didn\'t even look at him, and skillfully took out the tools. "I only need to bring a cigarette holder and tobacco leaves-aha, he still has leftovers. The tobacco leaves are imported from Tuluo."

"Forget it Jen... why are you so proficient?"

"Who do you think taught my brother to smoke?"

Thales had to shut up.

Hila quickly lit the hookah:

"A bite?"

Tels smiled and waved, thank you Bumin.

"I remember," Thales looked at the hookah, and said suddenly, "I met the Chadvi priest, at a dinner party a few days ago-he said at that time,\'There is only civilization and piety. Only then will I be blessed by the goddess of the setting sun’s marriage,’ and then yin and yang curiously hint that I am uncivilized and religious."

"My brother must have instructed him to do it," Hillay sips a cigarette, the smoke is full of smoke, the whole person looks elegant and mysterious, "When I was a kid, I almost got sent off because I made a little joke with Sister Karabyan. Go to the temple to receive instruction, learn etiquette, and improve your education."

"Small joke?" Thales was suspicious.

"At that time, Chad defended his righteousness and helped me get through."

"Oh, just speak up to get through..." Thales looked strange, "Don\'t you think there is something wrong with this sentence?"

The sun is shining, Xilai exhaled a puff of smoke, raised her arms to the sky, and stretched out comfortably on the roof: "It was also from that time that I discovered that although the old guy was impious, his taste in tobacco was not bad."

If she wasn’t holding a hookah in her hand, the picture would have been beautiful.

No, in fact, holding a hookah pipe, the smoke is full of smoke, but there is no such thing as a charm?

Tyles shook his head, waved his hand to dissipate the smell of smoke, sat on the floor, and returned to reality:

"Did you learn from Chad for smoking?"

"You insulted me, Your Highness, do you still need to learn this stuff?"


"In addition, Chadwi also has a believer who is a street magician, so he can make himself look full of miracles and radiance when sacrificing and preaching-of course, it has also benefited me a lot."

gain much……

Thinking of what happened to him yesterday, Thales swallowed.

"Okay, let\'s start," Sile leaned back on the rooftop, basking in the sun, lazily, "What do you want to ask, now is the time."

"Right, right here?"

Tyers stepped forward, looked at the crowd below, and sarcastically said:

"Awesome, there are at least ten thousand people underneath, you can see us when you look up!"

"Not so many, at most eight thousand."

Is this important?

Thales endured the desire to complain:

"Why don\'t you go to the confession room just now, it is more hidden..."

"Only a guy who is stupid by reading a knight novel will feel that the spies are connecting in an airtight dark place, thinking that it is the safest no one to see," Hille said disdainfully, "It\'s best to say something in private. It’s like this, if there is nothing to talk about in the public."

But she took a cigarette and frowned:

"Oh, sorry, did I understand it wrong? Then you want to find a dark, narrow and no-know corner, do something with me, um, can\'t do things in broad daylight?"

Tails\' complexion changed, thinking of the Karabyyan twins:

"Ahem, ma\'am, please respect yourself——"

"Very good!"

Sile’s eyes lit up: “The small space oppressed by darkness can enhance the atmosphere of horror! It’s most suitable for ‘the ghost of the wall’s cry’!”

The wall ghost cries...

Tyers’ smile disappeared instantly:

"You are right, it\'s great here."

Hila looked at him as if she had seen something through, she smiled mysteriously and looked out of the temple.

Looking at the weird girl lying flat in front of him, Thales’ brows only gotten tighter.

"To be honest, Ms. Kevin Deere, I have been thinking about your role since last night."

"I understand," Hille let out another puff of cigarette, "A good performance always makes the audience toss and turn, sleepless at night, scratching the heart, and never forgetting."

“After frightening the audience and allowing them to experience a period of sensory stimulation, give them a period of relief to understand and digest the feelings of the last time, applaud the performance, and cultivate the atmosphere for the next climax by the way.”

But Thales ignored her nonsense and went straight to the subject:

"My father, besides those few secret signs, what else did he tell you?"

"Are you talking about the part you should know, or the part you don\'t need to know?"

Tels startled:

"Is there anything I don\'t need to know?"

The second prince, heir to the kingdom, the king’s secret collaborator-is it really a decoration?

Hile shrugged, noncommittal.

"Okay," Thales cleared his throat, letting go of his uncomfortable emotions, "Then if I ask you the former-what should I know?"

"Stars are revived, the kingship is elevated, the Emerald City and even the South Bank leader will soon be returned to the king\'s rule, and will be subjugated to the king," Hiller replied very simply, "and we will be witnesses to this history. Of course, if things are inconsistent, we Will be the participants."

Witness to history.


"I don\'t understand," Thales folded his arms, "Why did he tell you this? The sister of the first target of this trip?"

Hile turned sideways and shook the pipe at Thales.

"Yes, like I didn\'t understand it at first," the girl exhaled two white smoke from her nose, "Why did Your Majesty tell you this? Those who stand out against him in the kingdom?"

Thales shook his head: "This is different."

"But I can understand it," Shelay replied quickly, "Because your majesty needs a surprise soldier in this mission-there are some things that the Kingdom Secret Division can\'t do, and it\'s better not to know."


Kingdom’s Secret Division can’t be done, and it’s better not to know...

Tels frowned slightly.

"Okay, it\'s my turn," Hilley rolled her eyes. "In that suspicious and soundproofed little confession room, what did my brother tell you?"

"He said," Thales struck up his spirits, "He didn\'t kill Dagori Moss."

"The wine merchant who followed you into the city?"

"Yes," Taylor stared at the opponent carefully, trying to see the clues from the girl\'s face, "So, was he killed by the Kingdom\'s Secret Division?"

But Hille shook his head.

"have no idea."


Tales questioned:

"Don’t be kidding, you just showed up on your front foot and warned me that ‘you have others do it for you’, and Moss on the back foot died. How could there be such a coincidence in the world?"

"I said, we are a one-line contact, how can I know what the Kingdom Secret Division does?"

"No, such a big matter, even if it is a one-line contact... how could you not know?"

"You are the second prince, don\'t you know?"

"I—I am not a member of Secret Science!"

"I\'m not from the secret department either."

"Then you can contact—what did you say?" Thales reacted, somewhat surprised.

"I said, I really want to help," Hille shook his head indifferently. "But it\'s a pity that I am neither from the Kingdom\'s Secret Division, nor can I contact them, so I can\'t confirm it."

Tales was startled again when he heard the words, and asked:

"What? What did you just say you weren\'t?"

Hille shrugged.

Thyls was very puzzled:

"But last night, didn\'t you say..."

"What did you say?"

"Your last sentence, remember?"

Hile couldn’t help but wonder, and thought for a while:

"Oh, you mean\'Kingdom Secret Branch, hello to you\'?"

Thales raised his eyebrows:


"Oh, that sentence."

Hila\'s face is as usual, as if this is just a small matter:

"It is used to adjust the atmosphere when saying goodbye."

Adjust the atmosphere...

The rooftop was quiet for a long time, and for a while, only the sound of the square could be heard.

A few seconds later, Thales urged the crime of Hell River to maintain his smiling face with all his strength:

"What? Atmosphere?"

The doubt that kept me awake all night, did you just say "adjust the atmosphere" lightly?

"But don’t you think that goodbye sentence is cool and interesting? It just brought the suspenseful atmosphere to the climax."

Hile took a cigarette, and pulled out a grimace mask under his sleeve:

"The biggest reward for a magician is to enjoy the incredible expressions of the audience after changing a trick."

Thales didn’t know what an incredible expression was.

He just felt that his brows were twitching at the moment.

"If you want to do it again..."

The round-faced girl sat up, her eyes cold.

I saw her approaching Thales, her expression indifferent but her eyes deep:

"Photographed by the Maharaja, with boundless grace, Kuntana from the far-mountain land, send my greetings to your Highness."

Thales took a deep breath.

That means……

Xilai put her expression away and lay back on the stage, but she was startled when she remembered something.

"Wait, so," the girl frowned and turned back, "You don\'t really think I\'m from the secret science department because of this line?"

Yes indeed.

if not?

"How can it be?" Thales coughed, trying to squeeze out a calm expression of disapproval, "I have long seen that you are not a member of the Kingdom Secret Division, just now I was just testing you and looking at you. Can I find out the details in one sentence?"



"Oh, please," Xilai looked at him pitifully, and shook his head. "We are the ones appointed by your majesty to make a decision on the occasion. In that case, of course, we are the only ones who disturb the secret branch. How can secret branch be disturbed? Our bureau?"

"I know!"

"do not go."

"Don\'t go what?" Thales was still in a mood of anger.

"Don\'t try to find or contact the Kingdom\'s Secret Section." At that moment, Sile\'s voice was misty and drifted away with the smoke. "My brother not only rules the city, but he also controls it, owns it, dominates it, to you Unimaginable degree."

Own it, dominate it...

Thales\' expression changed slightly.

"But at the banquet," he asked tentatively, "Jane was very upset. He was frightened all night and watched the king\'s next move..."

"Ning to die because of a friend, not an enemy."

Hile interrupted him.

The girl turned to Thales. At this moment, she stopped smoking and her eyes were sharp:

"Do you think you are my brother\'s friend or his enemy?"

"And my brother thinks, are you his friend or his enemy?"

Tels was stunned.

He was about to speak, but Hille grabbed it again:

"To sum up, what do you think he will let you see about him?"

Thales’ expression disappeared, and he fell into deep thought.

Hile looked at Thales with a deep gaze:

"If you contact the secret department, it’s okay if you are unsuccessful. If you succeed, you will expose each other and bring their actions to the end of the disaster."

Hile looked back:

"And I don\'t need to remind you: Kingdom Secret Section shouldn\'t even know our existence."

Thyls escaped from the complex thoughts and took a deep breath.

"In that case, what role should I play here?"

"That\'s what your Majesty said, ‘you don’t need to know’." Sheila shrugged.

"Ha, thank you," Thales sarcastically, "Thank you for telling me that\'I am not my father\'s favorite child\'."

"I want to start a little bit. In this task, everyone has their own role to play, even me," Hille snorted. I don’t need to know the part, right?"

Some only princes deserve to know...

Tyles squeezed out a smile with a winning chance:


is wrong.

He didn\'t tell me the fart.

"So, we are even, are you happy?"

Thank you, not at all.

But the next moment, Thales\' eyes changed.

"Then why?"

He stared at Sile, who was lying down comfortably and about to take a puff of cigarette: "As Kevin Deere, why do you stand on the side of the king against your brother?"

Hile\'s hand holding the pipe stopped.

"Skip this question," the girl was expressionless, "change another one."

Tyles narrowed his eyes.

"So, do you know, once our mission is completed, what kind of fate will your brother, Jayne Kevin Deere, face?"

Hile\'s eyes froze.

"You broke the rules."


Sile turned to him, her eyes indifferent:

"I believe that you violated your majesty’s instructions and talked about the part that I’m\'necessary to know\'."

Your Majesty’s instructions...

Thales frowned.

"That means you actually know, right?"

He asked: "So, why?"

Hile frowned:

"You asked back the question you just skipped."

On the roof of the temple, the boy and girl looked at each other and silently confronted each other.

But after a few seconds, Thales laughed.

"What\'s wrong?"

"It\'s nothing, I\'m just thinking," Thales shook his head, sighing with emotion, "If Jayne knew, the greatest enemy of the Emerald City came from his side, from his close relatives..."

Hile looked cold.

"Don\'t worry, he is not you. Even if you find out the truth in the end, you won\'t cry."

Thales\' expression changed slightly: "What is\'he is not me\'?"

Hile snorted coldly, and the freckles on her face moved slightly.

"With my brother\'s temperament, he would only grit his teeth severely, wipe a tear from an invisible corner, then lift his head in the next second, and squeeze a smile: "Great, sister, we deserve to be Kevin Deere. , Has always been loyal to the emperor and patriotic, not falling behind!\'"

Hille turned to Thales:

"Then, he respectfully obeys, and secretly will continue to think of ways to disrupt and troubleshoot in the way he is best-why look at me like this?"

"Even though your description is strange," Thales narrowed his eyes, "but instinct tells me that what you said may be right."

Sile and Thales looked at each other, and after a few seconds, she smiled.

"I know what you want to ask, Your Highness."

Hile sneered:

"Yes, yes, I know, I know what fate my brother will eventually face in the current situation."

The next second, Hille looked firm:

"That\'s why I have to do this."

"Because this is the only way to save him."

This time it’s Thales’ turn to move his expression:

"Save him? You did this to save Jen?"

The round-faced girl nodded.

"I\'m not a fool, and neither is my lord, nor is my brother," she looked up to the sky, and the pipe in her hand hadn\'t moved for a long time, "but facing the same thing, many people have different choices."

"It\'s like your Majesty has given you discretion." Above the sunset temple, Hille stared at the sun covered by clouds. "And I, as long as I complete the mission and goals my Majesty has given me, I will be able to do so. , Do everything possible to reverse the fate of my brother."

Thyls frowned:

"Is that so?"

"if not?"

"I, I thought..." Thales huffed, but Miranda appeared before his eyes.

"I thought I wanted to become a duke and grab his seat?"

Hile raised her eyebrows and sneered disdainfully:

"Don\'t be kidding, that seat is very tiring-after sitting in, you are no longer a human being."

Thyls moved in his heart.

"It makes sense," the prince sighed, "However, it is precisely those who are still humans who will envy those who are no longer humans."

"That\'s reasonable," Hillay nodded and acknowledged, "Unfortunately there are not many people who listen to it."

"If that\'s the case, why not try to talk to Jen?"

Thales couldn’t help saying:

"With your help, we can work together and negotiate a condition with him to finish this matter decently."

Without having to make a **** mess-Thales said in his heart.


Hile shook his head.

"Don\'t look at him pretending, gentle and rational," the girl put down the pipe, and drew out a rather exotic pendant from her collar dreamily—a few golden thread spirals entangled with a red gem. "But in the bones, Zhan En is an extreme and stubborn fellow who will never die until the end."

Until the end, I will never die.

Hearing this, Thales was lost in thought.

Xilai looked at the slowly rotating pendant:

"What\'s more, in his eyes, I\'m just a little girl who doesn\'t understand anything, am I?"

"That\'s why you have to come to me," Thales suddenly realized, "Report your identity to increase your confidence and achieve your wishes."

Hile held the pendant into her palm, her eyes sharp.

"So, can you help me?"

She jumped in front of Thales and slowly stretched out her right hand:

"That way, I can help you-we help each other."

Tyles lowered his head, looked at the girl\'s outstretched palm, and frowned.

"Well, at most, add one more item," Hile sighed, and retracted his palm. "As long as you help me, I won\'t scare you again, how about?"

The way Thales looked at her, and suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at?"

Tyles shook his head and looked to the sky—the sun rushed out of the clouds, so that he had to squint his eyes:

"I think Jen probably thought that he was always protecting you."

Hile\'s expression moved.

"Yes," she lowered her head and put the pendant into the collar, "like all self-righteous brothers."

(End of this chapter)

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