Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 208: Battle of Youth

Chapter 208: Battle of Youth

Nodding my head in agreement, I speedily shrugged, "Damn straight! my life is more important than all of you." I yelled, snickering at the swift change in topic. I really am a good politician.

"You\'re a coward," A familiar voice sounded, "What of the lives that could be lost?"

Man, this kind of sounds like what... Damn, what\'s his name again...Lilith brother... wasn\'t it edain? Didn\'t he say something similar to that?

"you must be another hero. How annoying. What of the lives? It\'s not like anyone of you care? You hid qi cultivations that could have saved millions, wanting to hold on to power. Even if you were in the younger generation, was it not your ancestors that coordinated with the current Jarl and previous Jarl to do so?"

"Ahhh, that was fun. We killed so many innocent people... Shit, didn\'t we fuck the shit out a few bitches too? Their ass was bouncing like fucking jelly. Yo, where is that fucker vincent? He usually keeps track of that shit." Gier foolishly roared as many turned red in shame. "Elven pussy is the best..."

"... Wow...Ok, as I was saying, what gives the right to judge me? Go crawl back up your mother\'s cunt." I spat as the Jarl bellowed in laughter.

"Trygve, it seems your son is not too familiar with the history of Hallr." The Jarl roared, taking a large cup of wine.

Growing cold as ice, Trygve stepped forward, about to reprimand his child, when another young man stepped out. "I agree with Brerson. You are just changing the topic to make us look like villains. You\'re a coward!"

"And what will a little fucker like you do? What can anyone of you do?" I spat as the sin of pride began to glimmer within the Elder Ring. "You hold no power, and your opinion means nothing more than a two-cent whore. Look at Drulan. Is he not quite? How about Shana, the great doctor of Hallr. Why is it that no one in the older generation is speaking out?"

With an arrogant smile, I stared down with contempt, "It\'s because you foolish peons I hold all the cards. I could sell my merchandise for as little as having all of Hallr destroyed. Do you think someone within the Realm of World will care? I could have you all turned to slaves, made to be fucked by endless beast and savages."

As l approached Brerson and the other foolish child, Demonic qi slowly began to rise like a black mist of sin and despair, "Tell me filth, what can you do?"

Shivering in a fury, Brerson clenched his fist before speaking, "you\'re still a..."

Drawing Dragonsbane as quickly ask lightning from my spiral pouch, it flashed towards his neck before stopping right before he could have the chance to comprehend what happened, "Were it not for your father, I would have taken your foolish head, but I guess he can always have more. Isn\'t that right, Trygve?"

Knowing what was at stake, Trygve looked away, clenching his fist, "yes... I could."

Basking within the look of betrayal over Brerson face, my teeth began to shine as I spoke, "Do you understand? At this moment, you are no more than a living abortion. Your own father has forsaken you."

With a cloudly mist slowly entering his eyes, Brerson gazed at his father, who didn\'t dare meet his son\'s eyes. Lowering my blade, my arm suddenly wrapped around his shoulder as though we were friends.

"It\'s tragic, isn\'t it. I could tell you to kill yourself, but I don\'t see that happening, but I can tell you what will happen. After you leave, your father will approach you, spouting some nonsense of the greater good. He will then gift you some cultivation resources as a show of good faith.

"Oh my son, he will cry out forgive me. It was for the greater good." I mocked in a deep octave, pouring gasoline into the fire.

Watching as Trygve slowly turned ashen, I felt Brerson trembled as his gaze never left his father. Curling my lips upward, I hummed, "Let me ask you, Brerson, is your life so meager? Can you, a genius, grandson of the late battle king Seral Englehart be worth so little? Abandon over what? A small argument between the younger generation. Come now, is your father not over exaggerating? Does he not see this isn\'t his business? Why did he need to abandon you?"

Rage slowly began to grow as Trygve didn\'t speak... No, the man could not speak. It was the life of his clan or his son. He is under my thumb Brerson, like the worm he is. I don\'t even have to kill the man as his own auction house will end him just to satisfy me.

"But I\'m sure you can lower your pride. You are a hero, after all. You are looking out for the common people of Hallr. You dared to call me a coward; what will this make you? Will you crawl before your father accepting his apology or throw it all away. The authority you have, think of all the good you could do as a hero? All the common people you can help. Choose Brerson."

Stepping backward, I couldn\'t help but bask in my light. Watching as Brerson slowly began to break down. I could not be more proud of myself. Tears began to fall as he opened his mouth, roaring in anguish.

"you\'re a demon," Drulan voiced from behind me as I nodded,

"I know, but I have a rather enjoyable play for you to see when it\'s your turn," I replied in a heartwarming tone as Drulan merely smiled, stretching out his hands.

"We will see, Lord Snow." he voiced as I shook his hand like a gentleman. Man, it\'s hard to hate such a man. So gentlemanly, such a shame I have to kill him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Brerson roared as he drew a longsword form his side charging at me lie a deprave beast.

Tilting my head, I raised dragonsbane, "WHy me? How could I forget, humans will always try to blame someone when they are trapped. Instead of taking responsibility, it\'s so much easier to blame it on someone. Such a rookie mistake. I guess it\'s been a while. Hey, Aborty, no need to be mad!!!" I yelled in amusement

Feeling his peak gate of life raging out like a flood, I held a rather distant glow as his first stage Spirit Realm cultivation shook the air around me.

This, however, was not even enough for me to be interested as I parried his wild barraged while I continued to taunt the fool, "No wondered your father abanded you. Are you sure your mother didn\'t try to abort you? This swordplay just proves you might be retarded. Since I have not seen your mother yet, I will just assume she left in shame giving birth to the likes of you. Maybe it\'s for the best?

Releasing another savage roar filled with rage, my eyes began to shine as dark tattoos once again appeared in front of me. However, these were different. They held an azure pigment as they began to glimmer.

"Brerson, please stop this... Please," Trygve roared while I remained still watching in silence as Brerson powered up. I could once more feel a divine aura rising out of the young man as my eyes began to shine, staring deep at his soul.

Infomation slowly began to fill my head as my smile grew wide, "Demi soul, your soul holds a trace amount of divinity, but how, such things cannot be granted by gods."

"LOKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He squealed as I smirked as I saw his divinity grow stronger.

"This isn\'t Persona," I yelled back, shooting towards him as Dragonsbane twisted towards his neck. BLocking my arch Brerson was basted off the ground into the air as large black wings sprouted from my back. This was my first time using wings, but I felt like it was like using a normal limb. With a single flap of my demonic wings, I appeared before the horrified Brerson slamming my scaled fist against his jaw.


Hearing a groan, I smile as black lighting suddenly grew from my body. Shooting down, my feet crash into his chest like a truck. Shattering his chest, blood gushed over my face as I felt his heart stop for a second or two before beasting once more. Looking at the lump of shit, my leg ruthlessly shot into his place, basting various teeth from his jaw.

"I have already killed a Gate of Death. What is a peak life gate on crack?" I spat, suddenly tilting my head as I saw a beam of sword light shot towards my head from the corner of my eye.

"Brerson, get up! We will kill him together!" The other young man from before bellowed.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, I smiled as he jammed some odd substance down his throat. Observing his wounds begin to heal by a little, I didn\'t bother to do anything as my wings began to fade like a mist.

"Folke," Brerson weakly muttered, clenching his sword with both arms. He looked into my indifferent eyes as the Divinity around him began to grow even stronger.

"Loki God of Mischief, huh?"

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