The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 349 Trapping The Magus

A few minutes before the rising of the Undead army, in a different location.

The news of one of the Arcana borders breaking apart has long since traveled to the airs of the Berum Kingdom.

No longer being in a disadvantageous position, their army marched through the crumbles of the wall and pushed their blades dipper inside the heart of Arcana,

Their aim is of the largest city named Canemacia which is known for hosting several magic academies which teaches thousands of young people to become magic caster or researchers and a mana crystal mine is being guarded inside the city. Which fulled the academy\'s needs of materials while also providing magic items to the city.

Though a mana crystal mine was considered dangerous if mined by an inexperienced person, Arcana being so focused on their magic had long ago figured out how to harvest them safely with less capable people.

Some even say that if it weren\'t for the fact that mana crystal needed a large amount of time to be generated, then the Arcana Kingdom would have been the strongest new kingdom.

Only falling short at the last remaining kingdom that was far older than any of the other 3 kingdoms.

Nonetheless, Canemacia was one of the backbones of the Arcana kingdom that was also closed at the borders that Velkir\'s group destroyed.

In other words, the perfect target.

Thousands of soldiers of the Berum kingdom marched, their goal being the city of Canemacia. With most of the soldiers being capable of using life force, their physical power and body toughness was far stronger than the average man of the same tier.

While they were magic caster, the majority was using life force.

Making the army specialized in close combat, whereas the Arcana kingdom was completely the opposite.

Arcana sought to peer through the secrets of what is magic, energy much more easily controllable that life force and more versatile. As magic could enchant one\'s body to pass its limit, though with less potency.

Which didn\'t leave the arcana soldiers completely vulnerable in close combat, but they would have a disadvantage. But the long-range capabilities of magic well paid for minor disadvantage.

Usually, they would bombard the Begum\'s army with magic and cut a large number of their forces.

But once the Berum kingdom came close enough, they would send the talentless soldiers to serve as their meat shield to continue their bombardment.


"Kyyaaah!" Screams of pain echoed through the Berum\'s army as their soldiers were engulfed with fierce flames that consumed their flesh.

Once the flames weaken, the talentless soldiers with little special abilities except their physical strength pushed forward through the flames, their spears penetrating the stunned Berum soldiers. The enchanted armor of the soldiers of Arcana reduces their pain senses while also slightly improving the armor\'s resistance from the elements.

The spears that penetrated their enemies started gathering mana before being unleashed on the other soldiers, killing and wounding many of them.

Though they might be considered talentless in the ways of magic, their mass-manufactured magic items such as the spear made them still a force worth fearing.

With the flames no gone, the Berum soldiers quickly faced the other army in cöpse quarters, using their physical powers and their life force to forcefully move their bodies faster, they were able to cut a few of the Arcana soldiers.

But not enough before the next spells came flying towards them.

Be it spears made out of all the basic elements of fireballs, the Berum soldiers in the front couldn\'t help but stare at the magic defeated.

In only a few seconds, their bodies will be cut, torn apart, burned to crisp, or blown up. If not all of those.

And once death\'s door was slowly opening to them, a flash of light surrounded them.

A barrier made out of warm flames with intense strength manifested and blocked all the magic thrown at them. A huge explosion occurred and smoke rose.

But that smoke was blown away by flames, revealing the safe soldiers who couldn\'t believe what just happend.

A soldier who stood stunned that he was alive heard a voice from behind him.

"Don\'t just stand there, fight."

Before he could turn around to see who spoke, someone with incredible speed dashed towards the army of the Arcana kingdom

And the cries of those soldiers started to echo through the battlefield.

Figures wearing helmets to resemble the head of a phoenix entered the enemy\'s lines. They were like tornadoes of sharp blades, cutting their enemies with extreme ease while shooting out waves of flames from their swords, killing hundreds in a fraction of a second.

Seeing the threat, the magic caster of the arcana quickly began aiming toward the phoenix warriors even if it meant at the cost of the lives of their own soldiers.

But once the barrage of spells came running down towards them, several tornadoes of flames began engulfing many of the arcana soldiers. Those tornadoes of flames twist into the shape of armored humanoid elementals, taking on all the spells before they reach the phoenix warriors.

The armored humanoid flame elementals exploded and were destroyed from blocking all the spells, but as if refusing to die, the shattered flames started to gather once more and reform to the previous state of the fire elementals.

Once again in their previous state, everyone near them meets the same fate, being burned alive.

"It\'s the phoenix warrior!" One of the Berum soldiers called out in joy.

"Follow them! kill those bastards!"

"With them at our side, victory is on our side!"

The sudden appearance of the elite forces of Berum raised the whole army\'s morale. Their bodies moved faster and their sword was more precise: That momentum made them like a scythe cutting through wheat.

If things continued as they were, their victory was certain.

But suddenly, the whole world seemed to slow down.

On top of the arcana talentless soldiers, a sudden appearance of large amount appeared.

That mana slowly became larger and larger till it formed what looked like a portal.

Coming out of the portal as if he was stepping into the air with his hand behind his back, the man with the mask looked at the surroundings.

Looking at the army of the Berum, a burst of mana spread through the battlefield, making every single one present notice the man with the mask.

But before they could even utter a word.

Thousands of spikes came out of the ground, each of them impaling one Berum soldier. One spike is reserved for a single soldier.

It was as if someone flipped a switch, once turned on, every single one of the Berum\'s sides was impaled by one of the spikes. Not even the phoenix warriors were spared. Just before they were penetrated barriers appeared to protect them, though those were pierced just like paper.

Silence befell the battlefield.

Everything happend in an instant, they couldn\'t even react to the appearance of the masked magic caster with a pair of gauntlets. Otherwise known as the Magus of the Tower.

"Do you really think I will let you do whatever you want into my territory?" The Magus of the Tower said while making his spear go back into the ground, leaving thousands of corpses to fall to the ground

Just as those words left, each corpse of the phoenix warriors was ignited with raging flames as if a volcano exploded.

The flames gather in one place and started forming into a bird several meters tall, made out of pure immortal flames.

"Heretics! I shall purge you and let your body burn for all eternally for what you have just done!" The bird made out of immortal flames, the phoenix shouted.

"Hmpf, a mere bird thinking it\'s immortal. Laughable." The Magus of the Tower said.

Both their auras were released to the surroundings, making the soldiers of arcana run in fear for their lives.

The phoenix\'s body burned with life force, making his body temperature rise twice its original amount and it was still rising.

The Magus raised his hand and pointed his palm towards the phoenix, indicating that he would cast magic at any moment.

And just as they were about to fight.

Walls of foreign mana started to rise with unfathomable speed, making a box that crossed several kilometers. Trapping both the phoenix and the magus inside.

"A barrier?" The Magus of the Tower mumbled as he sensed mana forming several meters away from those two.

The mana that appears lightens up in the light. In that light were two robed figures that held an increadible amount of mana on their own.

The newly appeared figures had an aura of death surrounding their body, indicating their mastery of necromancy. But their lack of flesh and their head a skull with ethereal flames was all the proof that one needs to tell that they were undead.

One undead had a teal ethereal eye with his mouth being flat with no teeth whereas the other undead had one single ethereal eye with dark light within the middle being completely white.

"So you even allied with those abominations, heretic!?" The phoenix yelled towards the magus.

Ignoring the immortal bird, the magus started at the undead.

"Liches? What business does the council have to come here?"

The Lich brought out a communication device from his storage item. Once it lightens up, he put it back into his spatial storage item.

"We aren\'t sent by the council. We simply came to kill you." The teal-eyed Lich said, a burst of dark wind making him float and cut his surroundings.

The one-eye Lich bent his knee and touched the ground, making a burst of black flames appear and spread through the surroundings

The black flames started to raise and form into beings similar to the fire elementals with their face being one eye and skulls.

The being made out of chaos magic used its flames to fly into the air toward the magus. The teal-eyed Lich sent hundreds of wind blades with a simple wave of his hand.

The Magus\'s first response was to teleport away, but once he tried he found out he couldn\'t.

\'A barrier that prevents teleportation...\'

Raising his hands in front of him, a huge amount of mana flow to the magus gauntlets.

"Fine, I will show you all the peak of magic!"

And so began the battle between two 5th-tier beings and two immortal 4th-tier undead.

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