The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 228 - Swordman And Magic Caster Of Equal Power

Turning to see what destroyed a part of its body, the flesh golem eye locked towards a small figure with dark cracked armor and helmet, wielding an axe in one hand.

"Gwaaagh!" Growling and sending saliva out of its mouth, it swung its hand to slap the small figure.


Dragging the air with it, the flesh golem´s palm came like a raging wave to sweep Danzel away.

Sneering at the flesh golem´s attempt, Danzel instead of running away like he did the whole time decided to stand his ground and raise his axe.

"You are just a pile of old stones..." Danzel said as he swung his axe packing all of his strength towards the palm of the flesh golem.


The flesh golem who expected to get rid of the intruder, looked now his hand that was now fully destroyed in confusion.

Though their minds were already broken centuries ago, because of Azur´rah´s necromancy, he made it so that those tortured ones would forcibly keep their brain to work towards the given roll at maximum efficiency.

It was cruel, but because of that the flesh golem quickly understand what happend.

Looking at the small figure that was the intruder, he growled and notified the other flesh golems to put Danzel at the same level of danger that Nersan´rah, if not a level higher because he was capable of damaging them.

"Useless..." Danzel cursed under his helmet as he stared at the crumbling of his axe.

`I didn´t even swing it all that much too...´ Danzel though as he just realized the other flesh golems turning towards him except for one focusing on Nersan´rah.

"Heh, it seems I am quite popular." He said as he channeled the mana in his body to use [Swift Movements].

`Not even I am stupid enough to fight against 5 of those things.´





The flesh golem´s raised up their voulge´s and swung them down like a thunderclap on the location of Danzel.


The pathway floor lighten up in faint golden light and like a rimple traveled the whole pathway before disappearing.

With the strength that the flesh golem´s had, even the magic cast in the pathway that kept it from being damaged and floating in a fixed location was put through strain.

Alas, the enchantment held and stabilized the next second.

Danzel who jumped back and avoided that pulled one of the few remaining spears from his storage ring and took a throwing pose.

Before the flesh golems could raise their voulge´s once more, Danzel threw the spear with all of his strength.

`Please hit!´ 


One of the flesh golem´s who saw the spear coming near him raised its hand up high and protected his head, mainly the eye of his from the incoming spear.

But once it did, the flesh golem noticed the spear flying past his head, completely missing him.

"Gwahah~!" It growled in a way that resembled laughter.

Danzel who noticed that said in a cold voice.

"I wasn´t aiming for you."

Though he didn´t know if those things could understand what he was saying, even if they did it was already too late.

The spear that flew as fast as a ballista\'s boat was heading towards the one flesh golem that had its back turned to face Nersan´rah.

Without seeing it coming, by some miracle the spear that Danzel threw hit the flesh golem head with such force that pushed the whole head of the flesh golem down by the seer impact.

That alone though didn´t make the flesh golem die, 

Danzel was fine with that, he didn´t even plan to kill the flesh golem in the first place.

As if they had planned this days ago, Nersan´rah didn´t waste a single second of the distracted flesh golem that kept him from using his powerful spells.

"Impaling sands-"

"Impaling sands-"

"Impaling sands-"

Casting his spell, three overlapping voices of Nersan´rah could be heard that brought to however who heard it shiver though there back. At least that would have been the case if Nersan´rah didn´t have the voice of girls.

Unbound by anything, Nersan´rah created sand using his mana to use as material. The sand shot out and started to form into thick sword lances that had many small spikes and a second later turned the formed sand into sharp metal.

In a matter of seconds, Nersan´rah created over 30 of those large sword lances.

With its eyes glowing in a dark golden light, Nersan´rah pointed towards the flesh golems location.

"[Dessert´s Dread]!"

"[Dessert´s Dread]!"

"[Dessert´s Dread]!"

With three overlapping voices, the sword lances accelerated like rockets and flew towards the flesh golems.

Gripping the spear stuck in his head and pulling it out, the flesh golem raised its head the exact moment where tens of sword lances came towards him.


Piercing its chest, destroying two of his joints, and opening a hole in the half of his head, the flesh golem screamed in agony as it started to fall.

"Gwagh! Gwagh!" The one who had its ankle destroyed and was forced to look forwards sent out a signal to the others and raised with his remaining good hand the voulge and created a barrier thanks to the enchantments of the voulge.

The barrier was strong enough to hold even against a spell from a 4th-tiered magic caster and was large enough to cover the whole front of a flesh golem. 

Making it protect itself from the few sword lances and let the other remaining ones fly towards his fellow tortured ones.

Unfortunately for them though, except for one who managed to turn early and activate his barrier, the others found themself halfway through their turn to be impaled by multiple of those sword spears and leaving huge holes in their body, including their head.

While the cries of the fellow tortured ones sounded through the sacred treasury, the two remaining flesh golems didn´t waste any time to stare at Nersan´rah with hate and activate their mana disturbance skill on him.

"Tch, two remain..." Nersan´rah clicked his tongue as he was starting to think of ways to destroy the remaining two.

But before he could, he heard Danzel calling him.

"Nersan´rah! Sword!" Danzel yelled as he kicked the ground and passed the standing flesh golem.

Seeing where he was heading and its request, Nersan´rah managed to control the sand from the ground that came from his previous spells to lanch towards Danzel\'s arm and form a sword out of metal.

Though it was difficult for him to turn the sand into metal, shifting the sands by his will was nothing difficult for him.

Gripping the sword, Danzel imminently guided his mana into the blade.

That was only possible because the flesh golems had their focus on Nersan´rah and disturbing his mana.

"Fall." Danzel said with a sinister tone as he became so fast that he disappeared from his spot for a split second and appeared in front of the kneeling leg of the flesh golem he previously damaged.

Letting his sword scream out loud and declare what was to come, the air itself screamed from an air-cutting noise.


With the help of the flying mana blade and his own strength, he cleanly cut the whole leg of the kneeling flesh golem in half and appeared in front of it.

The flesh golem who relied on its leg happend to suddenly fell forward by the sudden loss of one of his limbs.

Falling face forward it saw the small black armored figure in front of his fall.

Raising its mouth to swallow him whole, Danzel used [High Jumb] and cut through half of the flesh golems bandaged head. Leaving it to fall followed by a massive flow of blood and screams of the wolve mouth part.

[You received 100 000 XP]

Standing on the still screaming course, Danzel couldn´t avoid the dark blood from the flesh golem tarnishing his armor.

But Danzel didn´t pay much of any need for his armor.

Turning his head towards the remaining flesh golem, he guided his mana into the blade he held.

Not a second later, the flesh golem looked at Danzel and activated his mana disturbance skill on him, making the mana that was being guided in his sword go of waste.

"Are you sure that you want to look towards me?" Danzel said with a cold yet sinister tone.

Using that time, Nersan´rah using the sand to walk through the air, went behind the flesh golem and raised up his mana to cast a spell at any given time.

Realizing what was going on, the flesh golem pointed its voulge towards Nersan´rah, activating the barrier while still looking at Danzel and continuing disturbing his mana.

The flesh golem that both of that intruder who killed his fellow tortured ones held an equal amount of danger. It considers the black-armored one to have less firepower, but being both strong and fast enough to endanger him to damage, while the female intruder was much easier to handle, but if let alone had a destructive power that wiped almost every one of the fellow tortured ones.

In its mind, as long as it kept itself with the barrier safe from the female\'s spell and fight the black-armored intruder with its strength, the chance of winning was at its highest.

It was the only logical decision to follow against a swordsman and a magic caster of equal power.

Danzel und Nersan´rah though scoffed at the display that the flesh golem showed though.

"Let´s see how long you last.." Two cold voices said in unison.

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