Infinite Realm

Chapter 21 - 19 : Picking A Sub-class 4

The Alchemy guild was located in the Sira avenue, the same with the Blacksmith guild. In fact, both buildings were actually adjacent to one another. The Alchemy guild\'s building, like that of the Blacksmith guild, was 3 storeys tall but unlike it\'s counterpart, it used was a little bit more impressive. With an emerald coloured buildings, intricate master carvings on it\'s walls and Jade styled doors, it seemed like the Alchemy guild was built with the them \'Luxuriously Green\' in mind.

Apart from the main building, there were two side buildings of which one of them was at a height of 2 storeys while the other was on par with the main building. The first side building was actually a clinic for the general public located at the West District.

Even though Alchemists technically aren\'t doctors or pharmacists, about 90% of them started out that way while thee remaining 10% still encounter pharmaceutical and medical terms in their jobs. As such, some Alchemists are capable of filling in as pharmacists. Originally, alchemist were known as apothecarist, however, one of them had branched off and decided to do an in depth study of the origin of matter and materials resulting in the founding of Alchemy. Eventually, Alchemy had fully split off from Apothecary becoming an occupation of its own though they still share some similarities. The major difference in Infinite Realm however, is that players who study Apothecary tend to work in clinics and hospitals and are almost incapable of designing an entirely new formula and attribute increasing drug but Alchemy goes beyond drug making even going as far as poison refining (AN : Will be explained eventually.). As such, Alchemy is normally performed by players with Apothecary by NPCs.

The second side building served as the residence of the Alchemists and doctors enabling them to be able to quickly make it over to the other side building in cases of emergencies.

The main building serves as a research facility and gathering point for the alchemists. It also works as a simple reception point in case anyone desires to see an alchemist.

Walking into the building, Fudo met with the receptionist, who unlike that of the Blacksmith guild, was a middle aged man with a beard, sprawling atop the counter. Unlike the Blacksmith guild, the Alchemist guild was entirely empty apart from the receptionist laying on the counter.

Knocking on the counter, Fudo said "Uhm, excuse me. I would like to register to become an alchemist."

*yawns* The middle aged man woke up sloppily before stretching his arms wide.

"Oh?" The man stared interestingly at Fudo. "It\'s my first time see a fatsy desiring to become an alchemist. Lemme guess, is it for the wealth or the drugs?"

Biting his lips, Fudo tried to keep his cool and expressed himself, "First of all, I\'m not fat; just plump. Secondly, I didn\'t come here mainly for the wealth neither did I come for the drug. I don\'t even know what the freaking drugs are!"

"Haha. At least you mentioned that you didn\'t come \'mainly\' for the money but come on, how could you say you don\'t know about the drugs. You say that but we all know the truth." The middle aged man snickered.

"I really don\'t, old man." Fudo expounded.

The man ignored the fact that Fudo called him \'old\' and stared at Fudo with his chin propped against his right hand. "Oh? You don\'t seem like you\'re lying. In that case, the \'drugs\' I\'m speaking of are those one that make you stronger in hehehe." The old man chuckled creepily.

"Those drugs…Oh! Hmph. Old man, enough. This one is a professional in that department. There\'s no possible chance or reason for me to result to drugs." Fudo harrumphed.

"Haha. Don\'t be so upset young man. Even monkeys fall from trees. Who knows, you might lose that ability." The middle aged man smiled. [1]


Fudo eventually lost his cool and banged his hands on the counter.

"AH!!! Old man, I just came to get registered."

"Oh? Registration? Here." Despite Fudo banging his hands loudly on the counter, the man ignored it. Putting his hands beneath the counter, the man brought out a thick book and said "Our Alchemy guilds tests are quite special. You have to be done reading this in a few hours; give or take 4-7 hours. After that, you can make it back here to take the apprenticeship tests. Some people though, tend to research everything and take the tests straight. But looking at you, I doubt you even know how to spell Poly-triryclic-synclimatic-Magierus."


"Exactly. So, you have to read this first. However, since as an Alchemist you\'d have to keep or the different materials and compound in mind, the time exists to ensure that your memory capacity and memorization speed is adequate even though some people bypass this by learning the terms elsewhere first. Sadly, even if you do that, you\'d still encounter a similar test later on.

"In summary, read this book and come back for your test in at most, 7 hours. Now shoosh, lemme get some sleep." The middle aged man hurried with his words and sent Fudo away while laying his head back on the counter.

"Damn. What a lazy old fart."

Saying so, Fudo left the building and looked for a place to stay and read the book. As he was going, the middle aged man lifted his head and looked at him while thinking \'What an interesting young man. He actually dared to call me an old man. Fufufu. A Chosen one right? Seems like things would start to get busy around here soon. *yawns* I need to get some sleep before then.\'

. . . . .

"In summary, the purpose of striking the unfinished work with a hammer isn\'t just to give it form but also to instill mana upon it giving, it greater durability and strength far more than that of those regular blacksmiths. This happens to be one of the differences between us and the other regular everyday blacksmiths or as I like to call them, metal-smiths. Also, when casting, it\'s best to use a mana-infused mold than regular ones same with the crucibles. But of course as a professional, all of your equipment should be mana-infused and rune-crusted."

Miss Trevale, dressed in her blacksmith work clothes which she had underneath the robe from earlier, dropped the hammer and wiped the sweat off her forehead. Despite being sweaty, she seemed even more beautiful giving off a unique fragrance that was pleasing to the senses. If the previous description given to her was that of a cold-hearted beauty, then her current condition would be like that of a focused and hardworking lady whose every move is a sight to behold. It seemed like the sweat drops on her body were perverted liquid creatures with consciences as they stuck closely to her clothing, accentuating her curves in all the right places thereby giving a glorious view of the body of an angel to all the available males present. Her body was so perfect that so of the females began to question their own even the Snow Goddess was a little stunned when she had removed her robe earlier on.

In front of her was a simple sword that had recently just cooled off. Despite lacking complicated designs and embroideries, the sword gave off a feeling of being able to cut through anything as its tip was still glistening as a result of the exquisite workmanship applied to it. It was marked at the sides with special runes that initially looked complicated but on focusing more carefully on them, one would feel that they can understand it despite not knowing what it actually is.

"Excuse. Miss Trevale, what are those scribbles on the sword?" An NPC male who happened dressed in rugged outfits asked while pointing at the writings.

"Oh? Those?" Miss Trevale then leaned against a table and folded her arms in front of her chest, propping up the bunnies underneath her outfit. "Well you see, normally we blacksmiths have to grasp a couple of runes. The more the better. So we have a close relationship with the Rune guild. Even though you\'re just apprentices in training right so you wouldn\'t really need to learn about the runes, I don\'t mind letting you know them.

"As of now, all you need to know is that there are 2 major types of runes. Racial and Ancients. Under the racial, we have Elvish for the Elves, Draconic for the Dragon-kin and the like. For us humans, we have Klaman, which is what I just used, and Gregorian. Klaman runes are quite easy to use and also very flexible. Plus they translate their meanings directly to our minds. As you can see, if you stare closely at this rune, you will get the feeling that it means \'Sharpness\' or the like. That\'s because the runes\' ability is to increase sharpness and penetration. Being written in Klaman, it was directly translated in your minds."

Standing up, she continued, "For any more questions relating to runes, go check it yourself at the Runes\' guild library or something. For any other blacksmith related questions, try the library or an official blacksmith otherwise ask that to yourself. Time\'s up so class is dismissed."

With that, all of the apprentices-in-training begun to take their leave.

"Oh yeah." Miss Trevale called out. "One of the major differences between us and the metal-smiths is that their limit is at the Middle Tier Mortal Rank. Even the best of them would likely only be able to achieve a weapon at the Higher Tier though it would lack certain boosts like the skills attached to the regular High Tier ones. Now you can go."

\'Ahhh, Blacksmithing was far easier in Conquest.\' Leaving the room, Sato recalled all that was taught and shown in the last one hour, sighing at the difficulty of things. \'I guess that\'s why they boast to be the most realistic game ever.\' Sato chuckled inwardly.



[1] Proverb on how even a professional can still lose in his profession.

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